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Brill Publisher (Hrsg.)

Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents vol. 12 (2004)

Mémoires, procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents

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Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents, Band 12
1. Aufl. 2010
Medium: Print
04.05.00 Seerecht, Internationales Seerecht

Reihe: Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents. Band: 12

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea is an international court with competence to settle disputes concerning the law of the sea. It is a central forum for the settlement of disputes relating to the interpretation and application of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. This volume contains the texts of written pleadings, minutes of public sittings and other documents from the proceedings in The "Juno Trader" Case (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea-Bissau), Prompt Release. The documents are reproduced in their original language. The Tribunal delivered its Judgment on 18 December 2004. It is published in Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders 2004 (ITLOS Reports 2004).